Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Let the Desert Clean Your Face!

I was always under the impression that acne was strictly for the teens. Not the case. Every month my hormones rage out of control and leave behind a cluster of unwanted pimples on my face. Thank heavens for my monthly outing with my girlfriends. During our conversation, I told them that I had been under a great deal of pressure and had begun to break-out. Immediately my friends went into action by dousing me with a lot of questions..."What have you been eating?" "Have you been exercising?" "What are you using on your face?"...etc, etc. I didn't want to tell them that three days ago, I had just wolfed consumed an entire brownie the size of a brick; and then proceeded to wash it down with a large Coke...all this to drown my sorrows over some unwanted circumstances. Nor did I want to tell them that I'd been avoiding our monthly Bootcamp sessions because I hadn't been sleeping well and decided to use Saturdays as time to catch-up on sleep. You get the picture...STRESS had begun to make its mark...and on my face!!!

On our way home from our outing, one of my girlfriends and I decided to make a pit-stop at Trader Joes. While we wandered the aisles, she pointed out a product she once used on her now flawless complexion. It was National Tea Tree Oil Facial Cleansing Pads by Desert Essence. The Pads have been formulated with a combo of pure essential oils and herbal extracts. Each moist pad contains Tea Tree Oil (which is an inherent antiseptic plant extract), Lavender, Chamomile and Calendula. "It worked wonders," she said. "When you get home, take a nice relaxing shower; wash your face really good and then use the Pads. Then drink some green tea; and then meditate on the Word." What great advice!

It has now been 7 days since I began my quest for clearer skin and a less stressful life. My skin looks and feels more radiant...I'm ready to face the world!

If you're suffering from breakouts, try the pads. Available at

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